Kleinplanet  (16438) Knöfel

Citation aus dem MPC vom 09.03.2001 (Seite 42364):

(16438) Knöfel = 1989 AU6

     Discovered 1989 Jan. 11 by F. Börngen at Tautenburg

     German meteorologist André Knöfel (b. 1963) is the head of the

Fireball Data Center of the International Meteor Organization and an observer

of minor planets.  He has located precovery observations of many objects in

the Digital Sky Survey, among them this minor planet and the transneptunian

object (20000) 2000 WR106.

Orbit von (16438) Knöfel

Orbit von (16438) Knöfel
Grafiken erstellt mit EasySky


(16438) Knöfel 

Epoch 2001 Apr. 1.0 TT = JDT 2452000.5                  Williams
M 304.15048              (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.21814836     Peri.  118.26289     +0.35092058     -0.93444522
a   2.7329692      Node   311.06217     +0.82854253     +0.33998040
e   0.0556344      Incl.    4.60648     +0.43631642     +0.10595026
P   4.52           H   14.5           G   0.15           U   1
From 69 observations at 5 oppositions, 1987-2000, mean residual 0".63.

(16438) Knöfel   (17821) Bölsche   (20512) Rothenberg   (20518) Rendtel   (20522) Yogeshwar   (21686) Koschny